… Another reason flexible work practices kick a$$.

Good morning! For any of you based in NJ/NY, I hope you’re working from home today and watching the snow fall. Our team is working remotely today as well and I wanted to share some brief insights on how we make it work for us.


We use #slack to communicate directly both as a team and 1:1. We also share document edits and track document changes here so we know who’s working on what. It helps us collaborate on work product asynchronously and still stay effective.


We meet as a team 1x a week so we know organizational priorities and who’s working on what. Our format for the meeting is highly standardized so we always cover the same key topics every week. Same time, same place (a dial-in number and onsite) every week. I also meet with every member of my team 1:1 each week to talk about progress and issues.


One of our Core Values is Own It. It speaks directly to a culture of accountability and owning the work that we produce, bringing the right mindset to the issues that we need to solve and showing upfront and center for the clients we serve.


Culture needs to be underpinned with foundational processes to make them stick. Our values are present and stated in our performance development reviews and our compensation processes are directly tied to company contribution.


I saved the best for last. If you don’t trust your people to kick a$$ from their couch, then there’s a more fundamental issue at hand. All productive, performing organizations start with trust. If you’ve lost it, either with one person or systemically, then it’s going to be really hard to get anything else done until its regained.

What else?

If your organization has successfully implemented some flexible work practices, leave a comment! What’s working for you and why? What would you do differently to get an even better result?

This Article was written by Jen L’Estrange and originally published on LinkedIn