The thought of having any negativity, let alone widespread negativity, in the workplace should strike fear into the hearts of any business leader. Such an atmosphere has an adverse effect on your company’s reputation as well as your workforce’s mental and physical well-being. Workplace negativity has the tendency to spread like wildfire and before you know it, your office will be riddled with toxicity which leads to increased turnover rates and decreased productivity and morale. In order to counteract or prevent this from occurring, here are some practical steps to minimize workplace negativity.

Encourage Open Communication 

An open line of communication between staff and leadership can go a long way in minimizing negativity. Employees who feel they don’t have the ability to openly discuss concerns or provide feedback often internalize their emotions until they hit a breaking point. Individuals who are near that breaking point will often do one of two things. They keep those feelings internal and start looking for employment elsewhere or they use their coworkers as a sounding board which could further exacerbate a gossipy, negative work environment. Promoting an open door policy and having regularly scheduled check-ins l ensures your staff has a method in which they can communicate with leadership to seek solutions and find common ground in the workplace. 

Get Employee Feedback

Simply put, all employees want to be heard and have their opinions valued. Gathering feedback from employees, regardless of status within the company, creates a more productive and positive work environment for all. Oftentimes management is so far removed from the day-to-day in the workplace that they aren’t aware of, or able to identify potential issues. Receiving valuable insight from their employees helps leadership implement changes that will positively impact overall company productivity. Likewise, encouraging employees to give feedback gives them a sense of empowerment and goes a long way in fostering a sense of inclusivity and togetherness in the workplace. 

Provide Growth Opportunities 

Negative emotions often begin to form when employees feel stuck in their current role or don’t see a path in which they can grow within their current company. When your workforce is unable to envision a path for continued advancement it often results in a decrease in productivity and loyalty. 

In order to prevent this from happening, employers need to place an increased emphasis on providing their workers with career development opportunities. Career development includes, but is not limited to,  online learning courses, mentoring programs, skill development workshops, and regularly scheduled goal-setting sessions with management. Employees want to know there is room to grow and they should be able to visualize a path for future professional success.  Employers who are willing to make this investment in their workforce often see increased retention rates, loyalty, and quality production in return. Likewise, this development leads to a more confident, fulfilled, and positive workforce. 

Provide Recognition to Deserving Employees

One of the most common misconceptions regarding recognition is that it needs to come in the form of an extravagant public announcement or massive financial reward. While that type of acknowledgment for a job well done is usually appreciated, effective recognition comes in many different, simpler forms, including verbal praise or a personalized, sincere email. 

Offering genuine, meaningful recognition to your employees promotes a positive environment at work. Showing your employees how grateful you are for their contributions has benefits, including increased morale and motivation among the ranks. Additionally, recognition is a great way to reinforce behaviors and ensure high-quality work continues to be produced.  Whether in a personal or professional setting, people want to be noticed and acknowledged for their efforts. Regardless of whether this gratitude is coming from leadership or from fellow co-workers, it promotes a culture of appreciation. When recognition is the norm within your organization it encourages coworkers to acknowledge each other for a job well done. How can negativity possibly grow when positivity in your culture is constantly present?

Create a Positive and Uplifting Work Culture 

Culture plays an extremely important role in influencing the daily interactions that occur within an organization.  One of the most effective ways to grow your ideal culture is by developing core values that speak to the people and the purpose of your company. In order to maintain cohesiveness amongst the workforce, these are principles that will resonate with all current AND future team members. . Prioritizing concepts such as open communication, recognition, and employee development should dramatically decrease and limit the amount of negativity between team members. Organizations with a positive and uplifting culture, with employees who live and work by the established core values, often see tremendous benefits both internally, with its workforce, and externally, with the public. 

Speak With a New Jersey HR Consultant  

Red Clover has a proven track record of successfully working with small and mid-sized businesses in their journey to minimize workplace negativity and create a productive and inspiring work environment. Our team of expert consultants provides guidance, develops strategies, and implements solutions to help identify and address your specific needs and challenges. If you are ready to take that first step and make positive changes for your organization, speak with one of our HR consultants today!