As your company scales and you look to develop talent within your organization, incorporating DISC allows for a strategic, data-driven, and cohesive management development program for your organization.
What is DISC?
DISC is a human behavior model that describes observable human behavior in everyday life and measures four distinct areas:
- Dominance – how you respond to problems and challenges
- Influencing – how you respond to people and contacts
- Steadiness – how you respond to pace and consistency
- Compliance – how you respond to procedure and constraints
Put simply, DISC describes how you do certain things, including how you communicate. We use this tool, along with two other assessments: Driving Forces and Emotional Quotient. When taken together, these three assessments explain your what, your how and your why – and importantly – how you’re different from others – internally and externally to your organization.
DISC, and the related assessments, are the foundational elements for most of the leadership development work that we do. It allows individuals to better understand their own communication styles, the styles of those around them and how to best meet someone else where they need them to be.
Diversity of thought allows for improved productivity among your teams, but can also lead to conflict. Conflict isn’t inherently bad, but can be detrimental if not addressed appropriately. Recognizing that no style is wrong, and that everyone has their own preferred communication style, is key to mitigating the risk of reduced efficiencies resulting from unproductive conflict. Being able to identify your own DISC profile, and do the same in others, is the starting point for effective communication.
Red Clover and DISC
Red Clover is passionate about DISC. Our certified DISC consultants engage in a thorough learning and testing process and are uniquely positioned to help your people understand their behavioral profile and how it influences the work they do.
Red Clover selected a USA-based provider to produce content-rich reports for DISC and other assessments which we use for leadership development as well as in certain types of recruitment.
Every Red Clover engagement includes a complimentary assessment and one on one debrief for the business owner or key contact person.
DISC and Your Small Business
Partnering with Red Clover as your certified DISC provider gives you and your business affordable access to a variety of assessments and products. As with any tool, it’s only useful if you know how to use it, and that’s Red Clover’s competitive difference. We don’t send you the survey and let you decipher the results on your own. Any DISC assessment we run comes with a dedicated debrief where we help you interpret the results. We are also able to run reports and debriefs for entire teams, allowing your internal teams to improve their communication, maximize productivity, and results.
Want to Learn More about DISC? Contact Red Clover Today!
To get the best out of your people and approach your HR processes strategically, partnering with a certified DISC consultant will give your company the edge it needs to thrive. Red Clover is prepared to help your business leverage DISC assessments for growth and success. Speak with one of our certified DISC consultants.
Our Services
Services to meet your companies human resources and organizational change management needs.